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Freebies Tips and Tricks

After signing up for all these freebies and great deals over the years I came up with a couple of quick tips and tricks that everyone can use to make their Freebies experience a little better, easier and safer. Here we go:

Have Up To Date Web Browsers and Multiple Options:

It is very important that you have up to date web browsers as well as backup browser options. The top 3 browsers are Internet ExplorerMozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. As much as I like Internet Explorer, I've found that Google Chrome has become my go to browser when signing up for the freebies that are hard to get. It is very fast for me, and everything works great in it. If you don't want to switch over to Chrome full time then at the very least download it and have it as a back up so that you can try it during the next freebie.


Next on the list is Roboform! This is a Free software that is a MUST have. What it does is securely saves all your information such as user name, log ins, passwords, name, address etc.. so that you don't have to type the same information in  every time you go to a website. You type it once, save it with Roboform and you are done. So for example if you are going for a freebie that a lot of people are trying to get and it is important that you get your name and address in quickly, you would go to the website and just click ONE button on Roboform and it will fill out all the info for you. This is really indispensable. Don't go Freebieing without it :) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT FREE

Make An Alternate Email Address for Freebies:

Scared of spam? It is a common concern, you put your email address on all the freebies and you never really know what will happen. At the very least, even the most legitimate freebies will add you to their email list. If you don't want to compromise your personal email address what I did was I made a separate email address specifically for freebies. Anytime I sign up for a freebie I use the other email address. If it gets spammed so be it. If you are going to go this route, I do recommend using Gmail for 2 reasons. First their spam blocker is really excellent, and even better in the email settings you can choose to have any incoming emails forwarded to another email address. So what I did was I have all my emails forwarded from Gmail to my regular email address so I can look at everything in one place and should anything happen where I start getting spam I can just turn off the mail forwarding and there won't be any problems.

Get A New Phone Number Free:

Scared of giving out your phone number on these freebies? I sure don't like to. And you don't have to! Another amazing Google product ( They did not pay me I swear) Is Google Voice. You can sign up for a Google Voice number and what it it does is it gives you a real phone number for you to use that is forwarded to your mobile or home number. What can you do with it? You can make and receive calls at the new number, send and recieve texts and more. Basically anything you can do with a phone you can do with Google Voice, and you can choose to have it  all forwarded to your regular phone number.  Nobody will know that the number you gave them is not your real number, all calls and texts are forwarded to your real number. And the best part is they have number blocking. So should you start getting phone spam calls, you just click one button, block the number and they are gone!

Get A Free No Fee Prepaid Credit Card: No longer available to sign up

Finally a really big issue is people that are scared of either using their credit cards online, or sometimes scared some websites are unsecure or just don't want to give out their credit card information. The way to go about that problem is get a prepaid credit card. This is great to use on freebies that require a credit card to get them even though they aren't charging you. What that does is that it has a set limit of basically how much you have on the card. So if you have $20 on the card then you can't spend more than $20. So lets say even if someone managed to steal your credit card number they wouldn't get any more than the $20 on the card. As well this is great for offers that have automatic renewal so just in case you forget to cancel they can't charge your card. Lets say an offer says pay $1 now and after 6 months if you don't cancel we will charge you $100. So you put $2 on the card and sign up. The $1 will go through and 6 months later you forgot to cancel. Now they try to charge your card but they can't because you only have $1. Fully protected :)