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Free MAM Baby-Pacifier and Bite & Brush Teether - Amazon Prime Members Only

Free MAM Baby-Pacifier and Bite & Brush Teether for the first 6,000 who create a new Amazon Baby registry today. No purchase required you just have to create a baby registry and add some items to it. This offer is posted on the Amazon Page here.
  1. CLICK HERE - create a NEW Baby Registry. If you have an old registry you need to delete it first, click here and scroll down the page to delete
  2. Add any items you want to your registry - you do NOT need to purchase anything, just add the items you want. You can do so by clicking on any item on Amazon and clicking add to registry. Just add any item, you can click here then click add to baby registry
  3. CLICK HERE add the free set to cart and checkout
  4. Use promo code MAMGIFTS at checkout to make it free (also try the code in lowercase, maybe that will work for some mamgifts)
  5. For some reason the code won't work for everybody, Amazon is glitchy, if you get an error read below 
  6. IF THE CODE DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU... read here: What you can do is CLICK HERE (scroll down the page) to do a chat with Amazon and let them know, you completed everything required and the code won't work. Show them the promo page at this link here. Then ask them if you can just purchase it and have them adjust the order to make it free.  Usually that will work just fine.