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KMart/Sears Rolling Points Deals on Boomboxes/CD Players/Stereos: iLive Bluetooth Speaker/Boombox $31.76 + $20 Back of KMart/Sears Credit, iLive Wireless Audio System w/ CD Player $52.99 + $25 Credit back, GPX Home Music System $36 + $20 Credit back and Many More

iLive Bluetooth Speaker/Boombox $31.76 + $20 Back of KMart/Sears Credit, iLive Wireless Audio System w/ CD Player $52.99 + $25 Credit back, GPX Home Music System $36 + $20 Credit back and Many More. Points ARE rolling on this. You can use your existing points to buy this and get even more points back. Join our KMart and Sears Deals Group on Facebook HERE
  1. Click here and add me your Personal Shopper on Sears/KmartIt's free!
  2. Click below -  Make sure it's an items that says members get points back under the photo and it will say how many points
  3. The items that you get back $25 in points, the points are valid for 14 days after you get them and the max you can do is $50 in points back, so 2 items. The items that you get back $20 in points the max is $40 and also 2 items of those as well
  4. IMPORTANT!! IF YOU USING YOUR POINTS TO PAY ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO PAY AT LEAST 1 PENNY OF MONEY OUT OF POCKET! Do not pay completely with points, meaning make sure your payment is at least 1 penny and NOT $0.00 when checking out. If you don't pay at least a penny then you won't get any points back on your order.
  5. Points will be added to your account 24 hours after you receive the item in the mail and can be used at KMart or Sear In-store or online for anything you want to buy