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How To Make Sure You Don'T Miss Any Of My Posts On Facebook

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I know this looks long, but it won't take more than 20 seconds. Promise :) Plus it will mean that you will never miss another great deal again! So Please follow these steps to make a list on Facebook.

The "list" will be a small bookmark under favorites that appears on the left hand side of the page when you login to Facebook. Instead of missing posts that don't make it to your newsfeed you can just click the Heavenly Steals list and see all the posts that I post to my Facebook wall. See photo above to see what it looks like. Here is what you have to do:

Before doing any of this please make sure you like my Facebook page Here

1. Once you are logged in to Facebook click the link here
2. Click Create List on the top of the page
3. Name the List Heavenly Steals or anything else that you would like then click create.
4. Click Add friends, a box will pop up. In the top left hand corner of the box click Pages from the dropdown menu.
5. Either type Heavenly Steals in the search box or just click on it in the list then click done.
6. Woohoo you did it! you will now see the list you made on the left hand side of the page under the headings LISTS.
7. Just one last thing. Now that you see your list on the left hand side of the page hover over with your mouse a little to the left of the list (see pic on left below) and click on the little Pencil type picture that show up. Then just click add to favorites (see pic on right below). That will make sure that it will always be there anytime you need it. 

Now that the list is created anytime you want to see any of my posts you just click on the List on the left hand side of the page and you will see everything I have posted on my page. You can also still visit my page at

That concludes the tutorial. Thank you so much for following my page, I really hope everyone is benefitting from my posts, saving money, and getting great deals. And don't forget to send your friends! Thanks again :)

Please note: All prices and details are live at the time of posting. If when you click on the link the price has changed,or it is sold out, it means the deal is over or has expired. Many deals go very quick so try to catch them right away!

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