CLICK HERE FOR ALL TODAY'S DEALS!!! sorry we are having trouble showing them on the screen here so CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE DEALS>



2 Free Boxes of Lipton Tea & Honey Iced Tea Mix

Please LIKE our Page and get all these Freebies and Deals on Facebook!

Klout is a great website that measures your influence on-line and gives you a score. The higher your score, the more freebies you get. Today they are offered 10 free sample packs (2 boxes) of Lipton Tea & Honey Iced Tea Mix. After signing up they gave a link with 20 more freebies to give to others.  Although almost everyone will be able to get one, for some reason not everyone will be approved to get one.

Each link below only has 20 free offers available for free but once you sign up it gives you a link that will give 20 more free to your friends.  Once you get that If you could click here and comment with it on this post so that that other people can get it also I would greatly appreciate it <3

If the links below don't work click here to see the Facebook post with more working links

For those with a Klout account, just click the link below, log in and claim your perk. For those without a Klout account you will click the link below and log in with Facebook. There will be about 5 setups screens, really quick, then it will allow you to get the freebie. After you get the freebie, it will say share on facebook or twitter, or skip, if you click skip you will get the link with 20 more to share with everyone else.

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