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Update: Free $5 Arby's Gift Card

Update: If you signed up last week you can check your replies on twitter HERE and see if they sent you your card. If they did click the link and claim your card. If you didn't get yours yet they are still sending them so be patient, it will come soon. The link to claim your card is this It will only allow you to claim it if you received a reply, if not you will still have to wait.

Free $5 Arby's Gift Card and possibly another $5. Twitter is required. First 990 will get one. See here for complete terms.
  1. Click here and create a Twitter account. If you have one already to go to step 2.
  2. Click Here. Click follow then retweet. See the arrows below. Click here and Follow Arbys as well (you do not have to retweet anything on their page, you only have to retweet my post above). You must retweet before 10pm eastern today to be eligible to get one.
  3. They will reply to you with a link to sign up and get your $5 Gift card. You can click here to see your Replies. PLEASE NOTE: IT TOOK TWO DAYS for them to send me the link after I retweeted mine. So just be patient and they will send it to you. May take 2 day, may take 3, may take 1, but it will come.
  4. Once they reply to you and tell you to claim your gift card you can click here the link and claim it, or click here and claim (will not be active until they reply). After you sign up you can retweet it and if you get 10 people to retweet it you will get another $5 card.