Update: People who are current Panel members check your emails. They sent out an email with a survey. Make sure to take the survey, it usually leads to a product test in the coming months. If not yet a member sign up now here, no guarantee you will get the email for this one though, but you will for the next ones. The email came from O, The Oprah Magazine <Oprah_DevOtee@cybersurvey.com> and the subject is A New O, The Oprah Magazine DevOtee Panel Survey!
Sign up for possible Free Product Tests From Oprah Devotees Panel. As you can see above I just got 2 bras as a product test from the Oprah Panel, each one has a $48 value! I've also gotten an electric toothbrush previously. They send out surveys about once every month or 2 so sign up and check your emails for the next product trial! The panel is for women only.