Free Red Baron Pizza Giveaway - Today Only on Twitter. Just send out a tweet and they will reply if you won or not. Follow the instructions below. Official rules. They don't say how many winners they are going to have but it seems a lot of people are winning right now. Ends 9PM Eastern. You can win ONCE, but can enter 3 times per hour if you don't win.
- Click here, log in or create a Twitter account, Follow their page. Follow us too here :)
- Click "Tweet" on the top right of the page and write the following and send: @RedBaronPizza Trick or Treat? #LoveAtFirstBite
- Click here to see your notifications and their reply. After about 30 minutes or so they will reply back with a video. The video will either say that you won and to direct message them your mailing info, or it will just be different random video, that means you didn't win
- If you didn't win you can keep enter 3 times per hour until you win. You can win once.
- If you won then click on messages on the top, then type in their name. You will need to wait until they Follow you (they will shortly) to message them