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HOT! Free Victoria's Secret Reward Card Gift Cards. Get $10, $20, $50, $100 or $500 Free - Mail In Request - STARTS NOW!!

This amazing one is back again and starts 2/12 for Angel Card Holders or 2/21 for everybody else.! If you mail out one per day from the first day you will have 30 Free Cards which means AT LEAST $300 of free stuff and possibly much more. We had so many people get $50, $100 and even $500 card last year so make sure to do it!!

Free Victoria's Secret Reward Card Codes (Possible $10, $20, $50, $100 or $500). This deal comes from the Victoria's Secret Sweepstakes here. As of today 2/12 Victoria's Secret Angel card holders can start sending in requests. As of 2/21 everybody is eligible to mail in a request for free Secret rewards cards (Must sign up to be a free PINK Rewards Member here first). You must mail them in, there are no other options or way to get free cards. According to the rules you can request one per day until March 28th. Entrants are limited to one (1) Secret Reward Card per person/household/email address per day, regardless of method of entry. Daily entry limit for mail-in entries will be validated by postmark date! Mass mailings by a household (all postmarked the same day) via the mail-in entry process will qualify for a total of one Secret Reward Card (and no more).
  1. SOME IMPORTANT CHANGES THIS TIME AROUND!! This time you must include a Self addressed stamped envelope inside the envelope you send them as well so they can send you back a card. Everything must be written by hand, they clearly state you cannot print anything and cannot use return address labels or anything else. Make sure to read below everything below and good luck!
  2. READ the complete rules Here or follow the instructions below
  3. This starts 2/12 For those with Angel Credit cards. If you don't have one then it starts on 2/21 for Pink Nation Members. Make sure you are a Pink Nation member, free to join CLICK HERE and sign up. Use that same email address when mailing out your cards that is on your rewards account. If you are sending them out starting 2/21 you must be a Pink Nation member
  4. Enter by mail without making a purchase by legibly hand-printing your full name, address, valid email address associated with your PINK Nation account, and date and year of birth (Must be Eighteen (18) years old in all states, 19 in Alabama and Nebraska; 21 in Mississippi) on a 4” x 6” piece of paper, and mailing it, along with a legibly handwritten, self-addressed, stamped envelope with sufficient return postage (only Vermont residents may omit return postage according the rules) and a return address, including first and last name, street address, city, state and ZIP or postal code, both in a sealed outer envelope with proper postage to 
    • Victoria's Secret Secret Reward Promotion
    • P.O. Box 139024
    • Dallas, TX 75313
  5. So to recap in step by step instructions. You will need 2 Envelopes, TWO stampes and a 4"x6" Piece of paper. This must be all be handwritten according to the rules below!!
    1. On the outer envelope you will write the Victoria's Secret address above. This will be the envelope you will mail everything in. You will need a stamp on it to mail everything.  Each outer envelope must include a return address in the upper left hand corner that matches the requestor's street address indicated on 4” x 6” piece of paper included in the mail-in entry (this must be handwritten according to the rules below!!) They do not specify what size, use any size you wish as long as it fits the stuff below
    2. On the second envelope (this is the envelope that goes inside the envelope above that is used to mail you back your card) 
      • you will put a stamp on it (so they can send it back to you)
      • You will write YOUR address on the outside of the envelope so they can mail it back to you (this must be handwritten according to the rules below!!)
      • Write your return address on the top left, same address as your address
      • Do not seal the envelope! They need it to be open to mail you back your card
      • They do not specify what size, use any size you wish
    • And you will need the 4” x 6” piece of paper (can us use a different size paper? I don't know honestly, always best to follow the rules when you can so you aren't disqualified. Last year people used 4"x6"index cards instead of paper and it did work for them) with the following information on it hand written . You will put this together with the second unsealed envelope inside the first envelope that you are mailing out: your full name, address, valid email address associated with your PINK Nation account, and date and year of birth (Must be Eighteen (18) years old in all states, 19 in Alabama and Nebraska; 21 in Mississippi)
  6. According to the rules you can send one per day (they will check by the postmark). EACH MUST BE MAILED SEPARATELY, ONLY ONE REQUEST PER ENVELOPE. You can send one per day through 3/28. Sinc it goes by postmark it is better to send only on days when mail is postmarked (days the post office is open), so that will exclude Sundays, Holidays and Saturdays in many locations. 
  7. Mail-in Entries must be postmarked by March 28, 2016, and received by  April 4, 2016 in order to be eligible.
  8. They will send you your secret rewards back to you in the envelope you provided. They say it takes 15 days - IT WILL TAKE MUCH LONGER please be patient, it will come. You will NOT get them back in 15 days. Once your fully completed eligible mail-in entry is received, you will be sent one (1) Secret Reward Card via postal mail in approximately fifteen (15) business days (i.e. excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) from the date the mail-in entry was received. Mail-in entries, including both outer envelope and self-addressed, stamped envelope, must be handwritten. Each mail-in entry must be mailed in a separate stamped outer mailing envelope (i.e. more than one entry may not be mass mailed in one envelope). Each outer envelope must include a return address in the upper left hand corner that matches the requestor's street address indicated on 4” x 6” piece of paper included in the mail-in entry. Requests from Vermont (“VT”) residents that are postmarked in VT may omit return postage. Requests that are sent in business reply envelopes, that utilize address labels or stickers (for any address), that are photocopied, hand-stamped, computer-generated or otherwise mechanically or digitally produced or reproduced, or that otherwise fail to comply with these Official Rules will NOT be honored, acknowledged or returned, and the persons submitting such requests will forfeit any corresponding postage and envelopes. Proof of sending or submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor.
  9. You can start using your cards on 3/29/16 and are valid through 4/21/16. You can use ONE card per order. In the past some people have had success IN-STORE only by finding a nice cashier and using more than one card per order (you will have to be really nice and find a really nice cashier) but the official rule is that you can only use one per order
Card Breakdown and odds:
  • Ten thousand eighty eight (10,088) USD $500 Secret Reward Cards. Odds of winning are 1: 1,405. Approximate retail value (“ARV”) of each prize: USD $500. TOTAL ARV: USD $5,044,000. 
  • Forty one thousand seventy four (41,074) USD $100 Secret Reward Cards. Odds of winning are 1: 345. ARV of each prize: USD $100. TOTAL ARV: USD $4,107,400. 
  • Seventy five thousand nine hundred fifty two (75,952) USD $50 Secret Reward Cards. Odds of winning are 1: 187. ARV of each prize: USD $50. TOTAL ARV: USD $3,797,600. 
  • One hundred twenty seven thousand one hundred fifty four (127,154) USD $20 Secret Reward Cards. Odds of winning are 1: 111. ARV of each prize: USD $20. TOTAL ARV: USD $2,543,080. 
  • Thirteen million nine hundred twenty thousand six hundred forty seven (13,920,647) USD $10 Secret Reward Cards. Odds of winning are 1: 1. ARV of each prize: USD $10. TOTAL ARV: USD $139,206,470.