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Keep.com has $
- Click here, make a NEW account. Code only works on new accounts
- Find something you like. You can click the categories on the top or type some thing in the search bar. Once you see an item hover over it and the price will show on the bottom right. Shipping is not included in that price. If there is shipping it may be from $5-$7, or some items have free shipping. There is no way to sort price low to high so you are just going to have to do a sort of treasure hunt
- Mirrored Round Tortoise Sunglasses $0.95 after credit
- Prismatic glass smoke bowl around $3.50 after credit
- Use code KEEPFREE10 for $10 off at checkout (you add the promo code on top of the price on the right side of the credit card screen)
- Remember some things may have a $0.95 handling fee even if totally free