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Free Sabra Hummus Party Pick If You Qualify - Lots of Free Sabra Hummus, Free Dish Towels, Magnets, Dry - Erase board with markers & More

Free Sabra Hummus Party Pick If You Qualify - Lots of Free Sabra Hummus, Free Dish Towels, Magnets, Dry Erase board with markers & More. 1,000 Spots are available. To learn more about House Party click here for their Help and FAQ.  

If selected and confirmed as a host, your exclusive Party Pack will contain:
  • Coupons for free Sabra® Hummus
  • Sabra dry-erase board with marker
  • Sabra dish towel
  • Sabra magnetic shopping list notepads
  • And more! 
How do you increase your chances of getting chosen for House Parties?
  1. After you sign up it will Say Stand Out Now, click that and do the activities on the page. You can also find that page by going to the party page and clicking My activities.
  2. Another way is to go to the party page and click the Main tab on the top and join the discussion. Let them know how excited you are, what great ideas you have etc.. Being excited and showing them  you are willing to share really helps in being chosen
  3. Share on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag for the Party. you can find the hashtag usually in the activities section. The hashtag for this party is #SpreadtheWorld. Also make sure to include #Sponsored as well. Make posts, tag friends, posts photos... again let them know how excited you are and how great you would make the party and most of all make sure they know why they should choose you over all the other people
  4. Another way would be to interact with HouseParty on Facebook and Twitter. Again use the hashtags when posting. The more they see you interacting with them and others the better chance you have of getting the party.
  5. Good Luck! Bottom line - show them you are excited, show them you love sharing with others, show them you WANT this party and that you would make it a great party for everybody that you would invite. BE ACTIVE!!!!
  6. Download the iPhone and Android phones Houseparty app if you have a cellphone to better interact with them