- This is the product on Amazon - just for reference. They will only be accepting people who have put proper disclaimers in their Amazon Reviews: that you got the product at a discount in exchange for an honest review (you can change the wording to your own). If you have not been doing that then CLICK HERE and click edit on your reviews and add that wording on all your reviews. Once you have done that proceed below
- To get your promo code send an email to impulseev1@gmail.com and in the subject write Curler Review. In the email include a link to your Amazon review profile (instructions below) and say you want to review the curler for $1. Instuctions below on how to get your link
- How to get the link to your Amazon review profile:
- Click here https://www.amazon.com/profile
- The page will redirect to your Amazon Profile.
- Copy the url of that page and send it in the email
- If you qualify they will e-mail you back in ONE WEEK with your code, please be patient, will take some time.
Beauty Lashious Eyelash Curler $1 (Reg $12.95) + Free Shipping With Amazon Prime. To get your promo code please follow the instructions below. They will only respond to people who leave quality reviews (meaning more than a "got it, it's good" type of review, and also people who have the proper disclaimers in their reviews (that you got the product at a discount in exchange for a review)