- NeilMed Naspira Oral Suction Aspirator, 0.25 Pound - Every 100
- Sennheiser CX 300 II Precision Enhanced Bass Earbuds (Black) - Every 450th , we had a Earbud winner at 10:57pm on 6/10, so may be good to wait before entering this one for a while
- Heroes of the Storm Game - PC/Mac - 200th
Asobu Stress Controller - Every 100thDorcy 41-4241 Weather Resistant LED Flashlight - 800th to enter
- Faithful: (Fearsome Series Book 3) (Volume 3) every 75th
- (R)evolution (Phoenix Horizon) - 125th
- The Butcher's Boy -113th
- The Apocalypse Deal (Volume 1) 4th link, every 149th
- The Apocalypse Deal (Volume 1) - third link, every 147th
- The Apocalypse Deal (Volume 1) -97th
- The Apocalypse Deal (Volume 1) - Second link, every 111th
- To Russia for Love -200th
- Plot To Kill God - every 150h
- Hot-Walker Life on the Fast Track-250th
- I Ate the Cosmos for Breakfast - Every 200th
- Final Solstice - 300th
- Xander: vol.1 Transmutation (The Athena Universe) (Volume 3) - 300th
- Genesis: Book One of the Kingdom Come Series (Volume 1) - 300th
- The Wolf at the End of the World -300th
- Mortom - 300th
- The Resume Design Book -500th
Yes - 42ndTiny -300thKarma Road: Walking Through Time with George Eliot -77th