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UPDATE: 3 Free Loaves of Alpine Valley Bread! EXPIRED

Update: if you signed up for this last week keep an eye out for an email from them. They are asking people to CLICK THIS LINK and sign up again to confirm their info. You can wait for the email OR you can just click and sign up now so you don't have to worry about waiting for the email to come. After you click, click New request and enter your info.


HOT! 3 Free Loaves of Alpine Valley Bread. This offer was posted on their Facebook page here
  1. Send an email to and In the subject line write Super Samples
  2. In the mail write why you eat organic. Include your full name and mailing address 
  3. Also include which breads you want. You can choose any 2 types of organic bread from their website here. I recommend you also write in the email that if they are out of stock of the breads you choose that they should just substitute for any bread they want (so your order is not delayed)
  4. They will send you 1 loaf of 18 oz. Super Grains Bread plus your choice of any 2 (18 oz) Organic Whole Grain Bread for a total of 3 loaves. You will get the actual bread, not coupons.
  5. This offer was posted on their Facebook page here. Some answers to your questions
    1. Yes this is real
    2. Yes this was posted on June 30th but it is still active. As you can read in their comments in the post and also this post here they clearly say anybody who emails in July will get the freebies, the promo is not over yet
    3. You will get the actual bread, not coupons. You can see on their Facebook wall photos of the bread people got
    4. When will it come? Probably 2-3 months, please be patient.