$50 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card Twitter Giveaway - 20 Winners. Grand Prize $546 Gift Card Winner. Ends 8/26/15. Limit one entry per day. Official rules here
- You can only enter between 11AM Eastern and 7:59PM Eastern Each Day. For Central Subtract 1 hour, mountian 2 hours, Pacific 3 Hours)
- Click here, follow them on Twitter. Follow us to here
- Create a tweet or reply to theirs and write why you enjoy eating breakfast during non-traditional breakfast hours. Include the hashtags #BreakfastWhenevs and #Sweepstakes
- For Example: @DunkinDonuts I like eating breakfast late so I can sleep longer #BreakfastWhenevs #Sweepstakes
- If you win they will either direct message you or reply to you at the end of the promo
- (20) Prizes: $50 Dunkin Donuts Gift card
- Grand Prize: Dunkin’ Donuts Breakfast Sandwiches for one (1) year in the form of DD Cards totaling five hundred and forty six dollars ($546) in value