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Amazon Prime Pantry Slow Shipping Credits Expire on 10/31 - If You Have Credits Use Them Now!

Heads up! If you have Amazon Prime Pantry credits on your account they are expiring on 10/31SEE THE LIST OF QUESTIONS HERE, THEN SCROLL DOWN FOR THE LINKS TO THE DEALS

Frequently asked questions:

  • Where did these credits come from and how can I get them? If you had Amazon Prime a few months ago and did slower shipping on your orders there was an option to get a $5 Prime Pantry credit. Many people did that and have lots of credits in their accounts. Unfortunately this program is over and these credits are no longer available
  • How do you know many credits you have or if you have any at all? Well... there is no way to see an exact amount. The only way to check is to add some Prime Pantry items to your cart, go to checkout and on the last screen before you submit look at the totals. Over there it should say -$5 Prime Pantry Credit. If there is no -$5 there that means you don't have any. If there is then you do. 
  • Do you have more than a $5 credit??? MAYBE! You will just have to place an order and after you do that order you can try another order and see if you have more. Another way is to go back to your Amazon e-mails. Each time they gave you a credit they had sent out an email about it. If you could find those emails you could see how many credits you have possibly. 
  • Can you use all your credits on one order? Sometimes for some reason it MIGHT let you use $10 of credit on your order, but never more than that. otherwise you cannot use more than shows up at checkout which is usually $5 of $10
  • Is there a shipping charge? Yes there is a $5.99 shipping charge. One way around that charge is to Click here for the Buy 4 Items get free shipping Promotion. If you buy 4 items from and use coupon code PANTRYOCT you will get the $5.99 shipping removed at checkout. The $5 Credit also stacks with this so a good way to save a lot on the order. Remember  for each Prime Pantry box you will have to pay $5.99 total out of pocket, even if you got free shipping.
Now that we answered some questions... What is the best way to use the credits? Well each person can find their own deals by clicking the links below. You can click the link with the items with coupons and find some really great deals there. You can also stack that with the 4 items get free shipping offer. With that you will get a $5.99 credit and with your $5 credit it is like $11.99 of free stuff. Remember you will always have to pay $5.99 for your box, no matter what, even if you have free shipping. It is just the way the system works, there is no way around that unfortunately. So click below and start getting some awesome deals for yourself before your credits expire!! Only the items below and in the Prime Pantry section are eligible.
  1. Click here for all items that have coupons for extra savings. This is where you will find the best deals! Make sure to scroll left and right so see all the coupons available and scroll down the page as well
  2. Click here for the Buy 4 Items get free shipping Promotion. If you buy 4 items from and use coupon code PANTRYOCT you will get the $5.99 shipping removed at checkout. The $5 Credit also stacks with this so a good way to save a lot on the order. Remember  for each Prime Pantry box you will have to pay $5.99 total out of pocket, even if you got free shipping.
  3. Click below for all the rest of the Prime Pantry Deals
  4. Some Highlighted items: