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Free Box of PediaVance Electrolyte Solution

Free Box of PediaVance Electrolyte Solution
  1. Click here sign up. After you sign up it will just redirect to their webpage
  2. Check your emails, you will get 2 emails. The second email will contain a code - it will also say there is a shipping charge, just ignore, SHIPPING IS FREE!
  3. CLICK HERE and create an account. You must make an account first or it won't work. Click the link in the email to verify
  4. Click here and log in
  5. Click here and add any flavor to your cart
  6. Click here or Click on on your cart on the top
  7. Enter the coupon code on the left side in the discount code box. It will make it free
  8. Checkout. At checkout choose free shipping
  9. Choose No Payment information required on the credit screen and checkout
PediaVance® Electrolyte is scientifically formulated to treat dehydration just like the leading brands; however, PediaVance® is the only electrolyte solution made with organic ingredients. This means parents can avoid giving their children artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors while treating the effects of their child’s illness. PediaVance® special formulation is made with natural grape and apple flavors and contains organic white grape juice, which is a well tolerated juice for children recovering from diarrhea.