Moms Meet is a great program that sends you a bunch of samples and coupons for Moms to share with other Moms in their "Moms Group". They send you a bunch of free items, and tons of coupons and other goodies, really great program.
Their new program is for Free Ohso Chocolate Moms Meet Party Pack. Click the link below and sign up and see if you qualify. If you qualify they will email you within 1 month and let you know:
- If you are already a member just proceed to step 2 below, if not then follow here first:
- Click here, click let's do this then Go on the bottom and create an account on Moms Meet. If you are already a member just proceed to step 3.
- CLICK HERE to sign up to become a Moms Meet Ambassador. If you are already a Moms Meet Ambassador just proceed to step 3.
- CLICK HERE to sign up for this freebie. If selected you will receive: Samples of ohso Chocolate to share with your group, Plus Additional ohso products, just for you!
ohso Chocolate is so much more than just a chocolate bar—a bar a day actually gives you all of the health benefits of a probiotic dairy drink and more! ohso has over a billion live Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria in every bar, and has been scientifically proven to be three times more effective at reaching the gut alive than cultures in dairy/yogurt products. ohso also tastes great—it is made with the finest non-GMO, gluten and nut free ingredients possible, including sustainably sourced quality Belgian chocolate to provide a smooth and silky texture that tastes delicious. With no added dairy and only 70 calories per bar, this guilt-free chocolate exactly the right size to satisfy your chocolate craving, but stops the desire to overindulge. ohso Chocolate is nationally available at Vitamin Shoppe, Target, select Whole Foods, Sprouts, Lucky’s, and natural health food stores.