DC Shoes, Hoodies, Shorts and Clothing $0.99 Sale??? + $3.99 Shipping or Free Shipping with a $19 or more order - Possible Price Mistake
- DO NOT EXPECT TO GET YOUR ORDER, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN :) WHEN IT IS CANCELLED. Just buy it, if you get it then it will be a huge surprise. If not you will be fully refunded with no loss. I can only guess that they will be cancelled so please don't dream about wearing them until you have them in your hands
- CLICK HERE for all items available - there are many pages, scroll through them all if you wish
- It will be sort of a treasure hunt. not all sizes and colors are on sale. Just pick the size and color to see if it is for $0.99. if not then try a different size/color.
- Shipping is $3.99. If you add more than $19 it will be free shipping. If you had 2 items it will still be $3.99 shipping etc... up until $19 then it will be free