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Did You Buy Bagged or Blocks of Ice? Get Back Up to $12 Cash From The Packaged Ice Settlement. Following States Only: AZ, AK, CA, DC, FL, IL, IA, KS, ME, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NM, NY, NC, ND, SD, TN, UT, VT, WV, WI, WY

Did You Buy Bags or Blocks of Ice anytime between 2001 through 2008? Get Back Up to $12 Cash From The Packaged Ice Settlement. Following States Only: AZ, AK, CA, DC, FL, IL, IA, KS, ME, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NM, NY, NC, ND, SD, TN, UT, VT, WV, WI, WY. There is no proof of purchase required, just fill out the form to get your money back up to $12!
  1. CLICK HERE and sign up - You can get money back If you purchased packaged ice from a supermarket, grocery store or any store between Jan. 1, 2001 and Mar. 6, 2008. The ice was made from the following companies:  The Home City Ice Company, Arctic Glacier Inc., Arctic Glacier International Inc., Arctic Glacier Income Fund, Reddy Ice Corporation, Reddy Ice Holdings Inc., or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates.  
  2. The proposed packaged ice settlement awards are as follows: $6 for Class Members claiming 1 to 6 bags or blocks of packaged ice, $12 for Class Members claiming 7 or more bags or blocks of packaged ice. Class Members who submit claims with proof of purchase for more than 12 packages of ice are eligible to receive a payment of $12 for 12 bags of ice, plus $2 for each additional package of ice
  3. Why the settlement ? The packaged ice antitrust class action lawsuit was initially filed in 2008 by indirect purchasers who allege a group of packaged ice makers conspired to raise, fix, maintain or stabilize the price of packaged ice, in violation of federal antitrust laws. As a result, the plaintiffs allege, consumers were forced to pay more for packaged ice than they would have paid had the defendants not engaged in anticompetitive conduct. Home City denies any wrongdoing but has agreed to pay $2.7 million to settle the packaged ice class action lawsuit.
  4. The claim period ends on 5/17/17, that means you will not hear back from them for AT LEAST A YEAR. Please be patient, these things take a long time to make their way through the courts, but once it is settled you will get your money.