- CLICK HERE to enter
- You can get a bonus entry each day for tweeting. Bonus Entries: To receive one (1) additional bonus entry into the Promotion after submitting an initial entry at the Website as described above, an Entrant with a valid Twitter account may share back-to-school tips or tricks by tweeting their tip from their Twitter account using the Promotion hashtag #winthedaysweepstakes, or by following the directions on the Website to enter a back-to-school tip or trick in the text box provided, and clicking on the “share” button, which will result in Entrant’s tip or trick being automatically shared on Twitter with the Promotion hashtag #winthedaysweepstakes
PRIZES AND APPROXIMATE RETAIL VALUE (“ARV”): a. Grand Prize (50): $100 Kroger® Gift Card. Approximate Retail Value (ARV): $100. b. First Prize (100): $50 Kroger Gift Card. ARV: $50. c. Second Prize (200): $25 Kroger Gift Card. ARV: $25.