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Free Tiki Lighting Products! Sign Up For New Tiki Sampling Program. Torches, Candles, Fire Pits, Heaters, Lanters, Grills, Pools, Fountains, Umbrellas and More


Free Tiki Lighting Products! Sign Up For New Tiki Sampling Program. Torches, Candles, Fire Pits, Heaters, Lanters, Grills, Pools, Fountains, Umbrellas and More! They are looking for people to test new products. Just click the link below and sign up. If chosen they will e-mail you at a later date. They are adding very small number before they close it. Once they close it there is no other way to get in so sign up now! This is similar to the previous Kichler, Bazaarvoice, Hoover, Remington, First Look, Dirt Devil, Folgers and Mattel Panels where many people have gotten lots of free High Value Lightning Products, Vacuums, toys, coffee and hair products and much more
    1. CLICK HERE and sign up. Scroll down to see the form. If you click  and there is no registration form that means it is closed and you missed it. Sorry!
    2. When signing up when it asks which products you are interested in check them all so you have the best chance of getting something
    3. Click the link in the email to verify after you sign  up
    4. Once you are signed up you are in. HOW DO YOU GET FREE STUFFWait until they email you! They will email you when they have new free items to test. You then have to log in and claim the items. Just wait for their emails. Sometimes after signing up they send the emails out the next day. Other times they send them out every few months so keep an eye on your emails.