Amazon Fire TV Streaming Stick $19.99 (Reg $39.99) + Free Shipping, New Google Express Accounts - LOWEST PRICE EVER!! AND EVEN $5 LOWER THAN BLACK FRIDAY PRICES!! These stream content straight to your TV. You just plug this into your TV and start watching Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Sling etc... (must have subscriptions) or you can also use these to stream videos and content from your devices to your TV. Basically turns any TV into a Smart TV. These are the lowest they have been/Will be in a long time. If you already have did a Google Express order then you can still get this for $29.99 which is $10 less than regular price
If this is your First Google Express Order then follow these instructions to purchase for $19
- In stock availability varies by zip code. IT IS IN STOCK FOR MOST PEOPLE, other people it may show out of stock - even though in stock for others. Sorry about that, not sure why it is that way
- CLICK HERE, add to cart for $29
- Use coupon code QF3DL23ES at checkout for $10 off and checkout
If you previously have a Google Express Account you can still get this deal for $29.99 instead of $39