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Echo Show 5 With Smart Display and Alexa Only $27.49 (Reg $89) - Amazon Prime Member Deal. TO GET THIS DEAL YOU MUST TRADE IN AN OLDER AMAZON ECHO DOT OR ECHO

Echo Show 5 With Smart Display and Alexa Only $27.49 (Reg $89) - Amazon Prime Member Deal. TO GET THIS DEAL YOU MUST TRADE IN AN OLDER AMAZON ECHO DOT OR ECHO. One device that works with this deal is the second generation Amazon Echo Dot or If you trade in an Echo 1st generation you can get this deal for just $7.49. You sign up and purchase now, then mail in your old device (for free) to Amazon after you purchase
    1. USE COMPUTER OR FULL PAGE MODE ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE. doing this on mobile will cause lots of problems in the process
    2. CLICK HERE pick the device you want to trade in. By doing a trade in it will give you a 25% coupon on your account. The item you are trading in will also give you some money back as well. The 2nd generation echo dot will give you $5 back towards this (already calculated in the $27 price) 
    3. Choose continue and go to the next screen
    4. On the next screen choose the "get paid now option" - it will now add the 25% coupon to your account
    5. CLICK HERE, choose color and add the Echo Show 5 to your cart (not the bundle versions, just the regular version)
    6. Go to checkout to see the final price of $27.49, or less - depending on what item you traded in