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HOT Blue Apron Home Cooked Meal Box Offer, Get 12 Meals for only $12.96 + Free $100 Gift Card

HOT Blue Apron Home Cooked Meal Box Offer, Get 12 Meals for only $12.96 + Free $100 Gift Card. They have their best offer ever right now!  Sign up for the 4 Meal per week plan and pay only $12.96 and get the $100 gift card. You then apply the gift card to your account and get the next 2 weeks meals for free with it. After that you can continue paying or cancel and you won't owe anything else.
    1. CLICK HERE. Choose the 2 serving and 2 meal plan and will show for $3.26 per meal. This means you will get 4 meals per week. If you choose the other plans you will have to pay more
    2. The $100 Gift card takes about 2 weeks to arrive, they send it by email. So what you do is AFTER YOUR FIRST ORDER SHIPS, go to your account and SKIP the next two weeks shipments. That way you don't get any shipments before your gift card comes. Then once you get the gift card you apply it to your account and then the next charge will come from the gift card and it will be free
    3. The $100 gift card will cover the second week and make it free, and should cover the third week also. You can check each week by logging in
    4. And that's it. Once the gift card runs out make sure to see if you want to continue or not. If you don't want to continue make sure to cancel so there are no other charges!