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Ferrero Rocher Box of Chocolates Giveaway - 500 Winners Win a Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid Box of Chocolates. 5 Grand Prize Personal Videos from Mandy Moore. Daily Entry, Ends 12/12/22


Ferrero Rocher Box of Chocolates Giveaway - 500 Winners Win a Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid Box of Chocolates. 5 Grand Prize Personal Videos from Mandy Moore. Daily Entry, Ends 12/12/22

    1. CAN ONLY ENTER ON A CELL PHONE/TABLET, will not work on computer
    2. CLICK HERE TO ENTER, create the greeting. At the end download or share the greeting then it will allow you enter
    3. Limit 3 entries per day

Each secondary prize will consist of one (1) Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid box of chocolates (17 piece gift box) $12.09 each.
Consists of Five (5) Grand Prizes and five hundred (500) weekly prizes consisting of the following: Each Grand Prize will consist of a 30: sec video Holiday greeting for winner to share with someone other than the Grand Prize winner him/herself (18 years or older, if recipient is under 18 years of age sender must be parent or legal guardian); who has not been suspended or banned from the Cameo platform) from actress/singer/songwriter Mandy Moore plus one (1) Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid box of chocolates. By providing the name of the recipient of Holiday greeting, winner represents and warrants that (a) he/she knows such recipient personally and (b) he/she reasonably believes that such recipient is interested in receiving Holiday greeting from Mandy Moore. USE OF THE HOLIDAY GREETING IN AN IRONIC OR SARDONIC MANNER TO EMBARRASS, MOCK OR HUMILIATE THE RECIPIENT IS PROHIBITED. Violation of the preceding may result in forfeiture of Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid box of chocolates element of Grand Prize (or its value) as well as exposing Grand Prize winner to possible liability from Sponsor, the management and representation of Mandy Moore and/or Cameo. Content of Holiday greeting may be modified by Mandy Moore in her sole discretion. Holiday greeting is intended solely for the personal, noncommercial use of recipient in full accordance with the Terms of Service of the Cameo platform, : such Terms of Service are made a part of these Official Rules and incorporated herein by reference. (The Terms of Service include but are not limited to the Community Guidelines for use of the Cameo platform.) In the event of any discrepancy between these Official Rules and the Terms of Service, the Terms of Service will prevail, govern and control only with respect to the Holiday greeting element of the Grand Prize; in all other respects, these Official Rules will prevail, govern and control as between Sponsor/the management and representation of Mandy Moore/Cameo on the one hand and Grand Prize winner/recipient of Holiday greeting on the other, Sponsor/the management and representation of Mandy Moore/Cameo at all times will own any and all right, title and interest in and to the Holiday greeting. To receive Ferrero Rocher T17 Pyramid box of chocolates, Grand Prize winner must share Holiday greeting with someone. ARV: $462.09 each. Each secondary prize will consist of on