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Free $25 Item from Dell! Get Free Headsets, Earbuds, Bluetooth Speakers, Computer Speakers, Google Next MIni, Webcam, USB Drives and Much More

Free $25 Item from Dell! Get Free Headsets, Earbuds, Bluetooth Speakers, Computer Speakers, Google Next MIni, Webcam, USB Drives and Much More

  1. You get a free $25 credit when signing up for their sweepstakes and making a NEW account. Can then use that credit to get whatever you want for free
  2. CLICK HERE  sign up for a new account. Must use an email and phone number that you have NOT previously used with Dell. 
    • If you get an "undefined" error when verifying the phone number that means you used it on Dell before, use a different number.
    • If you get an error page after signing up with the phone number close it out and go back to the link and log in with the log in you just made and that should now ask you for your name etc.. and you should be able to complete the signup
  3. You will get an error on the next step, that is okay :) just follow the instructions!
  4. Click here log in on Dell with the same email and password you just created
  5. YOU MAY GET AN ERROR THAT SAYS WRONG PASSWORD. If  can't log in then click reset password and reset your password. Now you should be able to get in 
  6. Once logged in you can click here to see your $25 reward in your account.
  7. Now pick any item you want, Scroll down the post to the links below. Anything under $25 will be free, over that you can pay the difference
  8. When checking out on the payment screen there is a place to apply your rewards. Apply either all the rewards or the exact amount including tax that your total is
  9. AFTER YOU APPLY THE REWARDS THE AMOUNT STAYS THE SAME, it does not change. That is okay! As long as it says the amount of rewards is applied then you are good to go. Just checkout and you are done. Enjoy!